Beautiful Day

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Beautiful Day
The day started out rotten. She overslept and was late for work. buy wedding dresses Everything that happened at the office contributed to her nervous frenzy. mac cosmeticsBy the time she reached the bus stop for her homeward trip, her stomach was one big knot.
As usual, the bus was late – and jammed. She had to stand in the aisle. As the lurching vehicle pulled her in all directions, Cheap wedding dress her gloom deepened. Then she heard a voice from up front boom, "Beautiful day, isn‘t it?" Because of the crowd, she could not see the man, but she heard him as pigment yellow 13he continued to comment on the spring scenery, calling attention to each approaching landmark. This church. That park.
This cemetery. That firehouse. Soon all the passengers were gazing out the windows. The man‘s enthusiasm was so contagious she found herself smiling molybdate red for the first time that day.
They reached her stop. Maneuvering toward the door, she got a look at their "guide": an older gentleman with a beard, wearing dark glasses and carbon black carrying a thin, white cane.
The one-second tip for when you’re feeling nervous and Pearl pigmentunconfident is simply to smile! You don’t just smile because you are happy and confident – you can smile to make yourself feel better. The act of smiling is so strongly associated with positive feelings Tensile structures that it’s almost impossible to feel bad while smiling.
Smiling is much more then just a facial expression. wedding gownsThe simple act of smiling releases feel-good endorphins, improves circulation to the face, makes you feel good about yourself in general and can wedding dress definitely increase your self confidence. … you will also appear more confident to others while you’re smiling.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 815
  • 日志数: 4
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-21
  • 更新时间: 2010-01-21


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